10 Roof Maintenance Tips
Your roof is one of the most essential parts of your home. It keeps you safe by keeping so many things out of your home that don’t belong inside. It can be easy to take your roof for granted as long as it’s doing its job. But, when something goes wrong, you’ll notice it. It’s worth spending a little time taking care of something so crucial to your family’s daily safety and comfort. Did you know that there’s a lot you can do yourself to take care of your roof? Of course, some maintenance will require the help of professionals like Pinnacle Roofing and Restoration. Many of these 10 roof maintenance tips can be easily taken care of on a Saturday afternoon.
Trim Back Tree Branches Near Your Roof
Most people love having a big shade tree to provide some shade in the summertime, and who doesn’t love some colorful fall leaves? But in the winter or during an especially bad storm, that same tree you love can become a serious threat to your roof. To prevent limbs and branches from falling on your roof, make sure you have an experienced tree service trim any branches that could threaten your roof and check the tree’s health.
Clean Gutters 2-4 Times a Year
The health of your roof and the health of your gutters go hand in hand. If you’re like most people, you might clean your gutters once a year. However, cleaning your gutters too infrequently can allow them to get too full. Water can seep into your roof structure and cause the wood to rot or fungus to grow. Both of these will weaken the structural integrity of your roof and cause more noticeable damage later on. To keep everything in good working order, clean your gutters regularly. We recommend once every 3-6 months and possibly twice during the fall itself when they fill up the fastest.
Watch For Algae and Moss
Sometimes things will start to gown on your roof even if you’re careful about snow and leave piles. These are either moss or algae that have found a moist valley on your roof to live on if you see bright, pale, or bluish-green splotches on your roof. While the algae or moss can damage their own right, they are usually signs that there was already roof trouble that needs to be repaired.
Inspect Shingles and Flashing
Even though you shouldn’t be attempting your own roof repairs or inspections, you can take a look at your roof to make sure everything looks okay. Once every three months, or whenever you feel there might have been recent storm damage, climb up and take a look at the state of your roof. You don’t even have to get off the ladder to get a pretty good idea of what kind of issues might be hiding up there, and might require a professional inspection. If you see clearly damaged or separating shingles or flashing that has rusted or pulled away from its surfaces, you should call us. If your roof looks alright from your perspective, it should be safe to stick to your normal inspection schedule.

Remove Leaves
If you have a simple peaked roof without too many unusual angles, you probably won’t have too many issues to gathering leaves. But if the roof is more complicated or if towering trees are nearby, piles of leaves probably collect in roof valleys or near chimneys. Leaves that stay on your roof can trap moisture and decompose. This can allow moisture to damage your roof, or even allow weeds to grow! You may be able to pull the leaves down with a soft car-washing brush on a telescoping pole if you have a low-slope roof and a one-story house. Dry leaves can be removed with a leafblower, or wet leaves and be removed with a garden hose.
Check the Attic
Your attic will tell you a lot about how your roof is doing and whether there are any concerns to address. If you can see daylight peeking through the boards, if there are water stains that are evident, or noticeably weak shingles, then these issues should be fixed immediately.
Examine the Roof After a Storm
Your roof is responsible for sheltering you from wind storms, ice storms, snowstorms, downpours, and any other kind of storm you can think of. In its aftermath, you should check to see if your roof is capable of standing up to the outside elements. You may need some repairs after an especially bad storm, but if you’re seeing a lot of water damage in the attic, it may be time for a replacement.
Ensure the Roof is Ventilated
Without proper ventilation, roof rafting and sheathing will rot because of the heat and moisture trapped within. The roof materials will buckle and bend, and the insulation will not be as effective as it should be, introducing many problems for your home. Before you buy a home, make sure the ventilation is inspected, because it’s not easy to fix later. If something is blocking your roof’s ability to breathe, make sure to take care of it quickly.
Prevent Ice Dams
Though this isn’t a threat for most the year in the Mid-South, when there’s ice, there tends to be a lot of it. Ice dams can do a lot of damage to your roof. Even more frustrating is that once the ice has formed, trying to pry it off the roof will only make it worse. That’s why it’s best to think ahead. It’s a good idea to winterize your roof if winter storms are on the horizon. Rake the snow off of the roof before it accumulates, and apply heat strips to your roof to melt the snow before it forms into an ice dam.
Schedule a Roof Inspection
While you can do a lot of good by keeping an eye on your roof and performing the appropriate homeowner maintenance, there are several aspects of roof care that require the attention, tools, and skills of professional roofers. Be sure to call for a roof inspection once every 6-12 months, after major storms, or if you see visible signs of damage.
Here at Pinnacle Roofing, we have what it takes to keep you and your family dry, warm, and safe. We are a local company with Memphis roots, and we take pride in providing high-quality workmanship. We have a passion for serving both our commercial and residential customers. Whether you’re looking to prevent leaks or patch one up, we’re here for you!